Exit/Entry Signs
Australian Standard AS1319:1994 Safety Signs for the Occupational Environment.
Emergency Information Signs – SAFETY FIRST. If something does go wrong, Emergency Information Signs help people to find the location of, or directions to, your emergency related facilities, like emergency exits, first aid or safety equipment. The green background with white writing and symbols is instantly identifiable for safety, with common signs like, FIRST AID KIT, or EMERGENCY PHONE.
Polypropylene. This is a recycled plastic material ideal for interiors due to its lightweight and low cost. It tends to go brittle if placed in direct sunlight over time
Metal. We recommend that all outdoor signs be made from metal or aluminium
Luminous signs such as fire and emergency information signs are designed to charge (react) when exposed to light and then illuminate in dark or low light conditions. They are designed to guide personnel to safety in the event of an emergency