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Line Marking

Line marking is typically one of the most highlighted ways to assist your workplace and public safety. Super Safety Solutions together with their affiliated partners  is an Australian leader in safety products and services offering a full range of line marking services.

No matter what kind of industrial or commercial space and the type of traffic, separating spaces means a lot for the safety of people and equipment. We will work with you to understand traffic flow, observe the movement of the workforce, visitors, and equipment, and combine this to allow a clear plan to separate spaces for improved WorkSafe obligations and compliance.

About Our Linemarking Service

download%20(5).pngWe understand the day to day pressures faced by our clients. We focus on offering  professional services and will assist you to minimise downtime and keep your facility running. We use high quality equipment and paint consumables, meaning that you'll receive a high-quality and long-lasting end result.

Our professional and well-trained team have worked with a large range of organisations and facilities around Australia, including carpark operators, construction and property developers, hospitals, hotels and motels, schools and universities, and sports stadiums and facilities. Our linemarking team is equipped with the latest technology and equipment to allow us to deliver a reliable and quality service. We are committed to minimising our impact on your facility and the environment by promoting safe handling and sustainable consumable choices, including through the use of water-based Dulux and Ennis-Flint paints.

We are one of the most experienced safety suppliers in Australia, and can work with you across Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane, Adelaide, Perth and major regional cities to offer line marking services. 

We can work with you for:

  • Car parks and warehouses
  • Vehicle and pedestrian separation
  • Forklift loading areas, staging areas and exclusion zones
  • Stencilling and hazard identification
  • Removal or over-painting of existing or old line marking


Get in touch with us to let us know about your project or job. From there, we'll be able to recommend a solution, including visiting your site for a free site evaluation. You'll receive a no obligation quote, and from there we can plan and schedule the linemarking job so there is minimal disruption to your facility.